วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

What is Computer

     Computer to play a role that is critical to human society today. All times are hardly involved in the computer applications. To say that the computer is a critical factor in the life and work everyday . Therefore, learning to know what computer is being considered as a requirement as well. In order to know whether the computer is running, and it is important to humans , however . We should study the following topics . Meaning of computer The computer . Features of the computer. Advantage of the computer. Meaning of computer Computer from Latin , which means that Computare counting or calculating Dictionary 2525 , meaning that computer . " Automated electronic machines . Act like a robot . Used for solving various problems. Simple and complex mathematical methods " .     Computer is an electronic machine that was created to work for man . In the calculation , and can remember information . Both numbers and letters for the next run can also sign up with speed. By following the steps of the program. Computers also have the ability in many areas such as logical comparison . Data . Built-in storage and processing of information can be . The computer . Be it any kind of computer . The behavior of the various parts . A relationship is a process . The basic elements and output Input Process is a process diagram . Step 1: input (Input). Start by bringing information into the computer . This can be through various devices . Depending on the type of data to be entered into if the type information is used by the panel keyboard (Keyboard) to type text into the machine or application . If the reader will portray graphic coordinates (Graphics Tablet) with a special pen for writing. Or if the game will have a joystick (Joystick) for moving the position of the player on the screen and so on. Step 2: data processing (Process). On the information at hand. Will act on the information received orders to get the results . Processing requirements , there may be as many as the data totals . The data was grouped. The data for the most Or less so . Step 3: Results (Output). Is the result of the processing device to indicate the set. Generally, it shows through the screen. Commonly known as . " Monitor " (Monitor) , or to print out the paper using any printer . Features of the computer. Computer was built to provide features to compensate for the limitations of the four men called the 4 S special . First . Storage (Storage). Refers to the ability to store large amounts of data , and as long as . Structural strength and the backbone of automation of computer. Both as an indicator of the performance of each computer with Two . Velocity (Speed). Refers to the ability to process information (Processing Speed). Using less time. Structure is dominated by the user 's involvement is minimal. The performance indicators are part of the computer as well. Three . Becomes automatic (Self Acting). Refers to the ability to process the data sequence accurately, automatically and continuously . The men involved in the programming commands and data pre-processing only. Four . Reliability (Sure). Refers to the ability of the processor to achieve accurate results . Reliability is the most important thing in the operation of your computer. This ability to program instructions and data that is assigned to the computer directly , ie if the input is incorrect, the computer would be the incorrect result as well. Advantage of the computer. The computer has several distinctive features . Be used to benefit the everyday life in society is enormous. The most common . Using Print to print documents such as letters, reports, documents , called processing tasks (word processing) are also available in various computer applications , several aspects as follows .    First . Businesses such as shopping malls . And factories. Computing in bookkeeping , word processing tasks , and contacts with outside agencies via telecommunications . The industry. Most computer- aided production control . And a piece of equipment such as car assembly plants . This makes the production of better-quality companies can get. Or banks. Leave a withdrawal via ATM automated teller (ATM) and the computer to charge interest to the depositor. And transfer funds between accounts . Connected to the network.    2. Medical science and public health . Can be used in computers used in the calculations are quite complex , such as the study of chemical molecules . The orbital path of a rocket into space. Or financial registration statistics, and a device for the treatment of disease. This will provide more accurate results than the traditional chemical methods . And treatment more quickly.    3. The Transport and Communications. In respect of the travel . To use the computer to book a seat , which is linked to all stations or all airlines . Convenient to travelers who do not need to wait . They are also used in control systems such as traffic lights, traffic signs, and air traffic . Or to communicate it to the orbit of the satellite to be in orbit. This will affect the signal communication system is clear.    Four . Engineering and architecture. Architects and engineers can use the computer to design or simulate situations such as the vibration of the building when the earthquake struck. The computer calculates and displays similar fact situation . Including the use , control, and monitor the progress of projects , such as the engine performance .    Five . Government agency that has the most computers. The use of several forms. Depending on the role and functions of the agency , such as the Ministry of Education. With the use of a computer conferencing system , the Ministry of Science and Technology. Have network access to connect to the various institutions , the IRS is not in collecting . I pay taxes and so on.    6th . Study include the use of computers in the teaching . Which is implemented in a computer program to teach the lesson CAI or register . This makes it easy for students to find information . Storage borrow and return library books .

